How do I get 3D camera's transform cordinates, and how do I change them.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Laimis

Hello, I’m trying to get 3D camera’s Z coordinates, but godot only let’s me write this.

var cameraZ = get_parent_spatial().get_node("3D_Camera").get_camera_transform().translated()

Any feedback would be appriciated

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Zylann

To get the Z position, you can write this:

var camera_transform = get_parent_spatial().get_node("3D_Camera").get_camera_transform()


I’m not familiar with get_camera_transform:
This one apparently can’t be modified, so the only one you can modify is the node’s transform:

var camera = get_parent_spatial().get_node("3D_Camera")
camera.transform.origin.z += 10