How to make KinematicBody2D (Player) hold the object whenever he wants, and swing freely ?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By korayay

I have a player with kinematic2d, collision shape and sprite. Player can run around and jump. I have a tilemap behind. And a world portal to switch scenes. Thats everything in my tree right now.

I want Player to be able to hold a little block (for example) and then start swinging like a monkey holding tree. But I couldn’t make it work with pinjoint2d’s, i mean i have no idea how to do that and i’ve been trying and researching for too long yet only having weird motions between 2 objects.

I think the reason i can’t even progress is because that is the first game engine i used and first time i’m trying to make a game. I found some examples of making chains, ropes etc. but i want the controllable player to become a chain (hold and swing) whenever he wants, is it too hard to do for a learner ?

I’ll be so greateful if you could teach me how to implement that mechanic to my 2D game, thanks !