JSON question

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By rogerdv

Need some help to find the right syntax for json, what I have now is this:

“question”: “La II Guerra Mundial se inició el:”,
“topic”: “Historia”,
“choices”: [
[“answer”:“25 de Agosto de 1941”,“correct”:“no”],
[“answer”:“3 de Julio de 1939”,“correct”:“no”],
[“answer”:“12 de abril de 1945”,“correct”:“no”],
[“answer”: “1 de septiembre de 1939”,“correct”:“yes”]
}, **** many other questions

But I get an error saying a , is missing at line 5. Whats the correct syntax? I need to load this as a list of questions, to randomly choose one. Also, the answers must be an array, to randomize them before displaying.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jgodfrey

Those items with answer and correct properties should be JSON objects, not JSON arrays. Here’s your JSON, with a few adjustments. I’ve also replicated the first question into question #2 to show how multiple array elements could look:

		"question": "La II Guerra Mundial se inició el:",
		"topic": "Historia",
		"choices": [
				"answer": "25 de Agosto de 1941",
				"correct": "no"
				"answer": "3 de Julio de 1939",
				"correct": "no"
				"answer": "12 de abril de 1945",
				"correct": "no"
				"answer": "1 de septiembre de 1939",
				"correct": "yes"
		"question": "La II Guerra Mundial se inició el:",
		"topic": "Historia",
		"choices": [
				"answer": "25 de Agosto de 1941",
				"correct": "no"
				"answer": "3 de Julio de 1939",
				"correct": "no"
				"answer": "12 de abril de 1945",
				"correct": "no"
				"answer": "1 de septiembre de 1939",
				"correct": "yes"

Whats the difference between arrays and objects? Im more familiar with XML and this is my first experience with JSON.

rogerdv | 2020-03-06 20:16

There are much better resources online for understanding the basics of JSON than any answer I could provide here. I’d suggest some quick Google searchs.

That said, here’s a pretty good overview:

JSON Basics: What You Need to Know

jgodfrey | 2020-03-06 20:21