Why are there absolutely no considerably large godot-based open source projects?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By tyresebro1

I have known about godot for some time now, yet I dont really know even little projects that use it as a means of developing an entire game. Its like there are high effort, open source games and engines existing totally independent from one another.irs.gov

I am sure some of the devs are not solely making these games to practice opengl and other technologies. But then why was there no effort to make use of an easier way of content production? Is it even a good game engine if there was nobody really developing with it yet? (Other than demos, and one steam game I saw that was said to be absolutely garbage(I forgot its name)) fedloan

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: lucaslcode

There aren’t that many open source games in general, because people like to earn money from their work. Most of the well known open source games are very old - much older than Godot.

However, one well known game is Battle for Wesnoth, which is being ported to Godot: GitHub - wesnoth/haldric: Wesnoth 2.0, being developed in the Godot engine.

Also check out the showcase on the website for closed-source games using Godot.

Showcase is currently down, but you can look at 2019 showcase on github to see some things that are being made.
There are also a couple of other classic FOSS games that are being ported/considering porting full or partially to Godot, besides BfW.

eons | 2020-02-10 21:58

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: rogerdv

There was a discussion at freegamedev forum this weekend, and some of the conclussions are valid for this too. A complex/large project requires some substancial effort, the kind of effort that demands some sort of reward (think that, while you are out on a weekend enjoying your free time, somebody is at home, working). I would (and probably others too) happily take care of such project if me and the rest of the team could receive some sort of donations to compensate the work. But some of the open source community members consider that making games, no matter how complex they are, is by itself its own reward.