Lightening the data weight?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Syl


I’m designin a game mostly based on 2D images, and with 3 scenes only, got more than 1GB size… 4 tiles when i plan an open world… :s

Any tip to get it lighter?

Are you reusing resources where possible or creating the resources through the inspector and saving them to the scene?

Magso | 2020-01-30 17:53

I’m usin a lot of .png, images and icons for my sprites, a bit of ogg sound files also, all stocked in sounds and texture directories. How could i reuse them?

Syl | 2020-01-30 19:11

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Merlin1846

Try see if you can use the same image for multiple things by rotating it or mirroring it with code then delete extra images. You can also try putting all tile images onto a single tile sheet a little like a sprite sheet. Or you could have it so that resources are compressed like say into a zip format but then when a level loads that needs them have them become unzipped with code. That’s all I got.

That’s a lot, thxs, but how do you compress them? Actually, saw that i got an ‘import’ directory wich weight half of my project. Not used on a final release, right?

Syl | 2020-01-30 19:30