Add Second Base TreeItem

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By jelly
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I am a little unclear as to how work the Tree node and the documentation on it is somewhat sparse. I would like to create a list that has multiple top level items, but as you see my second base item pushes out the first.

My code looks as such:

var a = get_node("tree").create_item()
a.set_text(0, "Base 0")
var b = get_node("tree").create_item( a )
b.set_text(0, "Child 0")
var c = get_node("tree").create_item( a )
c.set_text(0, "Child 1")

var aa = get_node("tree").create_item()
aa.set_text(0, "Base 1")

I would think that by not parenting the new item it would be a top level item but apparently this is not the case. I am wondering how to correct this and perhaps a little bit of clarity on how the system itself works. Thanks in advance!

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: vnen

EDIT: Updated the answer as I was doing it blindly.

You need to set_hide_root(true) and then create a dummy root to hold all items.

var root = get_node("tree").create_item()
var a = get_node("tree").create_item(root)
a.set_text(0, "Base 0")
var b = get_node("tree").create_item( a )
b.set_text(0, "Child 0")
var c = get_node("tree").create_item( a )
c.set_text(0, "Child 1")
var aa = get_node("tree").create_item(root)
aa.set_text(0, "Base 1")

Thanks for the answer. That makes a lot of sense but I have not been able to get it to work. I now get Base 1 getting put in as a child of Base 0. When I print the result of the get_root() it brings back the Base 0, which as well makes sense, it’s just not quite what I am looking for.

jelly | 2016-07-05 03:09

Sorry, I had not tested it. I updated the answer with a proper solution.

vnen | 2016-07-05 03:17

Sweet, that does it. Thank you very much!

jelly | 2016-07-05 03:31