How to name my classes?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Elis


How can I name my classes so that I can get them as string with a function?
I see two problems: either I don’t know how to properly name my classes, or I don’t use the right function/method to get the class as string.
This is what I do for now, which outputs “Reference”.

class alpha:
       var v1
	   func _init(v1):
		 self.v1 = v1

var a =
print(a.get_class()) ---> Reference
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: estebanmolca

According to the answer in the last link, your example would look like this:

class alpha:
       var v1
       func _init(v1):
         self.v1 = v1
      func get_class(): return "alpha"

var a =
print(a.get_class()) # ---> "alpha"