How to define a parameter for a node/scene anc access if from another scene/node !?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By RezaPouya
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

Hi .
in my games there are several enemy and every enemy have individual projectile damage value …

so , how should I define individual projectile damage for my enemies scene and how to access it from player ( to subtract if from player health ) !?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Zylann

When you define a variable in a script attached to a node, you can write node.the_property to get or set it. So you just have to get the player node from the enemy node and modify its health.

However, I would implement shooting behaviour a different way:

Have a player.tscn scene, projectile.tscn scene and enemy.tscn scene. Each of them have a script.

First, define a take_damage(amount) function in the player script.

Next, add a var damage inside projectile scripts (if you have such an object).

When an enemy wants to shoot, it will do something like this:

var projectile = preload("projectile.tscn").instance()
projectile.damage = self.damage

Projectiles will want to detect collisions so they know when to damage something, so it will handle a signal sent by the physics engine.
When the projectile collisions with an object, it will do this:

func on_body_enter(body):
	# This assumes the player is a physics body (kinematic, rigid or static)
	if body.has_method("take_damage"):

As an example, you can have a look at the 2D platformer demo, in which you can shoot bullets at enemies.

Thanks for answering me …you solution is excellent

after reading Documentation and GDScript section , I use more simple approach and use setget functionality in GDScript

in Projectile Script :

var damage  = setget set_damage , get_damage 

func _ready():

func set_damage(value):
    damage = value 

func get_damage():
	return damage

now , When I create projectile node in enemy script , i Just set a value for damage
In Eneymy script :

export(int) var projectile_damage = 2 
var projectile = preload("projectile.tsn")

# other codes hear !!!

func fire():
          projectile_instance = projectile.instance()
          projectile_instance.set_damage(projectile_damage ) 
          # other codes are here 

now , in player_node , I can access to damage field :

func _on_body_enter(body):
	var damage = body.get_damage()
	player_health -= damage 
	if player_health <= 0 :
		print (" You are Dead!")

I thinks we should use setget keyword for this kind of situation .

RezaPouya | 2016-07-05 08:05

Looks fine too, althought I don’t see a reason to use setget in the projectile. Unless it is linked to something else, like projectile size, so setting damage would make the projectile bigger, things like that :slight_smile:

Zylann | 2016-07-05 18:58

now that look at your solution , it is better and it is more suitable for complicated games … my game is simple game without too much collision , so handling damage in player node/script is more logical …

RezaPouya | 2016-07-05 21:38