Hex Boarders, Additional Information & TSCN file Formats

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By kjkazinski

I am new to Godot. I have been reviewing the documentation and code.

The game map I am working with has different color hexes for the various empires. The map is divided up into provinces. The map has a thicker boarder around the province. Is there a way to create a thicker boarder without creating a hex graphic for every boarder and empire color? Ideally, this would be a the number of the province and I would have the code look to see where the boarders should be, or look at the adjacent hex to see it’s color and province number, but a fixed value would work just as well (using a bit mask for the board 1,2,4,8,16,32).

Each hex has some additional information about the hex, planets, capitals, etc. How do you create these additional “fields” of information about a hex?

I already have the information for each of the maps I would like to create in a database. I was looking at the file format for a scene file (tscn) to see if this could be generated from the database. The documentation is not very clear on the values in the a int array. The scene file contains a data structure "tile_data = PoolIntArray (1, 0, 131080, ….), but I can not find information on what those values reference.

The scene file also contains an element “instance=ExtResource( 3 )” - how do I determine what ExtResource (3) points to?

Thanks in advance.