Pixelized texture frame

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By trafel
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I saw in the demos that it is possible to pixelize the scene. Is it possible to pixelize only the colored parts of a sprite without pixelizing the hole rectangle ?

I want to make pixelized animated sprites so I won’t have to draw every frame for every characters in my pixelart style game.

If your game has pixel-art already, why do you need a shader to pixelate the sprites? Do you mean your textures are currently blurry/smooth and you want them pixelated?

Zylann | 2016-07-12 19:34

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jackmakesthings

If you’re using a sprite with a transparent background, pixelating via a shader should only affect the ‘colored’ part of the sprite. Have you tried this out yet?

If your sprite images have backgrounds, the simplest answer might be to remove them - treat the sprites as one image and use either a colored UI element or another texture for the background, depending on whether you need it to have art details or just be a solid color.

(That said, automatic shader-based pixelation is probably not going to look nearly as good as it would by hand; your results may vary, but it might be worthwhile to establish a simple hand-drawn base, then copy and edit that with tweaks for multiple characters.)