2D canvas - How to enable handles on objects

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Luka116

First time using Godot, and been looking over some tutorials. In the 2D canvas, my objects (static 2D body - square) don’t activate / show handles when I click on them, no matter what way I try. Only the "inner handles show up, not the 8 in the corners and sides. I can’t seem to find anything online even about these handles, so even less of how to enable them.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: kidscancode

I’m not sure where you’re quoting from, but it’s probably an old document. Those handles were removed from Node2D because they were misleading and caused confusion. If an object has a size (Sprite, CollisionShape2D, etc), then you will see handles for sizing it.