How can I connect an in-game controller in one scene with the Player scene?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By System_Error

Hi all.

I’m trying to get a game I’ve been working on ready for mobile, and needed to replace the movement system. What I decided on was a simple, on-screen joystick, that the player would use to make the ship move forward/back, and turn left/right.

I’ve had the ship done for a while, but now that I’m refactoring the movement system to use the joystick instead of WASD, I’m a little bit lost. The ship is instanced, capable of being destroyed, and, if it has been destroyed, will be re-spawned when the player starts the level again. (I’ll get that last little bit done when I get to it, as right now I just want to get the movement system working again.)

extends RigidBody2D 

const MIN = -0.1
const MAX = 0.1

var thrust = Vector2(200,0)
var torque = 11250
var tele_ready = false
var damage_taken = 0
var explosion_scene = preload("res://resources/resource_scenes/Explosion.tscn")
var control_active = true
var can_teleport = true

func _ready():

func _integrate_forces(state):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("forwards") and control_active == true:
	elif Input.is_action_pressed("backwards") and control_active == true:
	var rotation_dir = 0
	if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_left") and control_active == true:
		rotation_dir -= 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_right") and control_active == true:
		rotation_dir += 1
	set_applied_torque(rotation_dir * torque)

func _input(event):
	var destination = $TeleporterObjects/TeleportDestination.global_position

	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("warp") == true:
		if self.linear_velocity > Vector2(MAX,MAX) or self.linear_velocity < Vector2(MIN,MIN):
			can_teleport = false
		elif self.linear_velocity <= Vector2(MAX,MAX) or self.linear_velocity >= Vector2(MIN,MIN):
			can_teleport = true

	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("warp") and control_active == true and can_teleport == true:
		mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_STATIC
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleChargeEffect.emitting = true
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleportDestination/TeleportEffect.emitting = true

	if tele_ready == false and Input.is_action_just_released("warp") and control_active == true and can_teleport == true:
		mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_RIGID
		sleeping = false
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleChargeEffect.emitting = false
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleportDestination/TeleportEffect.emitting = false

    if tele_ready == true and Input.is_action_just_released("warp") and control_active == true and can_teleport == true:
		self.global_position = destination
		mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_RIGID
		sleeping = false
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleChargeEffect.emitting = false
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleportDestination/TeleportEffect.emitting = false
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleFullCharge.emitting = false
		$TeleporterObjects/TeleportComplete.emitting = true
		tele_ready = false


(There might also be a better way of doing the teleport/warp thing, but this is what I’ve got.)

extends TouchScreenButton

var radius = Vector2(16,16)
var limit = 32

var ongoing_drag = -1
var return_accel = 15
var threshold = 10

func _process(delta):
	if ongoing_drag == -1:
		var pos_diff = (Vector2(0,0) - radius) - position
		position += pos_diff * return_accel * delta

func get_button_pos():
	return position + radius

func _input(event):
	if event is InputEventScreenDrag or (event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.is_pressed()):
		var event_dist_from_mid = (event.position - get_parent().global_position).length()
		if event_dist_from_mid <= limit * global_scale.x or event.get_index() == ongoing_drag:
			set_global_position(event.position - radius)
			if get_button_pos().length() > limit:
				set_position(get_button_pos().normalized() * limit - radius)
			ongoing_drag = event.get_index()

	if event is InputEventScreenTouch and !event.is_pressed() and event.get_index() == ongoing_drag:
		ongoing_drag = -1

func get_value():
	if get_button_pos().length() > threshold:
		return get_button_pos().normalized()/16
	return Vector2(0,0)

(I followed Gonkee’s joystick tutorial for this one.)

Again, I’m trying to re-do the movement section of my player-ship, replacing the keyboard-reliant WASD with an on-screen, in-game joystick. W and S will be replaced with the joystick’s Y input. A and D will, likewise, be replaced with the joystick’s X inputs. Or something like that.

Scene structure would have Joystick as a child node of HUD. HUD would be a sibling node to Player.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Amelietaylor

System Problem

Eh? What’s that supposed to mean?

System_Error | 2019-12-20 19:35