How can i set my movable camera speed?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By daniel500013

Hi i made script to make camera movable by mouse wheel but when i tried move camera by my middle mouse button camera move out of main scene so here is my question how can i set my camera speed? Under i give my simple script

bool move

public void MoveCamera(InputEventMouseButton eventMouseButton, InputEvent @event)
    if (eventMouseButton.ButtonIndex == (int)ButtonList.Middle && @event.IsPressed())
        move = true;
        mouse = GetLocalMousePosition();
        move = false;

public void MoveCamera()
    if (move)
        GlobalPosition = (GlobalPosition + mouse);

public override void _Process(float delta)
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Magso

Create a new float variable for the speed.

float speed;

public void MoveCamera()
    if (move)
        GlobalPosition += mouse*speed;