How to make joystick?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By young.fernand

How to make joystick for a 3d game? Can I using 2d joystick for 3d game? If i can’t how to fix it?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Asheraryam

If you want a joystick on the touch screen for mobile, here is an example project online: GitHub - MarcoFazioRandom/Virtual-Joystick-Godot: A simple virtual joystick for touchscreens, for both 2D and 3D games, with useful options.

If you want to use a normal joystick (for PC or console) like for example Xbox joystick, there is an example project in the official demos:

You can also find this project on the asset store, if you search “joypads” you can find it and install it directly.

i’m trying for mobile and i can’t use for 3d games. i tried to change “Vector2D” to “Vector3D” and can’t, how to be used in 3D games?

young.fernand | 2019-12-21 12:06