Online leaderboard

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By gamerrmonkk

I want to implement a leaderboard that google play store offers. Skor tabloları  |  Play Games Services  |  Google for Developers

A thorough walkthrough would be nice.

I think it would be more appropriate for the purpose of this site to attempt building it yourself, and come here for specific questions that you have.

Eric Ellingson | 2019-11-03 05:33

Dreamlo is really good, its free. and you can just use HTTPRequest

zeball | 2020-04-21 14:36

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Asheraryam

You want to use the HTTP api to access the leaderboards.

GET: Google Play Game Services  |  Play Games Services  |  Google for Developers
LIST: Google Play Game Services  |  Play Games Services  |  Google for Developers

Here are some pages about how to use HTTP requests in godot.
Very good answer on stackoverflow:

Official docs: