Limiting character vision with Light2d

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Alniroza

I am currently trying to limit the caracthers vision using Light2D, as you can see in the screenshoot, i have a Light2D mixing in the characters Node, that let me have that shadows, somekind of vision effect that i am looking for, but, as you can see, there are 4 “lightpost” on the picture, but only one of them is lighting the road, even though these 4 props are identical. The stranger thing is that if i reset the game, the lights settings are different (they can even be all turned off).

Light2d in game
My setups is a Main scene, with a Tilemap containing the light Props (an instanced scene with a Light2d Node with “add”) and in the same mainscene is my main character, who also contain a Light2D node with “Mix”, also tried with “Mask” and other things.

Anyone knows why my light lamps doesnt add to the mix? or why only sometimes they do?