How to get the path from a nested node at runtime?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By IHate

I’m trying to access a node nested inside an instance scene created at runtime.

I got at the point where I can manually write the path to the node like this.

for item in slot.get_children():
		if item.is_in_group("ItemsG"):

Is there a better way to write or doing this in general? Do I keep doing as I’m doing adding strings together this way?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Eric Ellingson

For each node that is a member of the ItemsG group, if they do not already have a script attached, attach a script and define a member variable that references the label node


onready var amount_label  = $Fruit/Amount


for item in slot.get_children():
    if item.is_in_group("ItemsG"):