About many sprites

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By DarlesLSF

Here is my character and his main sprite:
enter image description here

If I wanna add more sprites, how can I do that? I tried to use more sprite nodes, but all the sprites appears on the screen.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: kidscancode

It’s not exactly clear what you’re asking.

Do you mean you want to add additional frames for animation? If so, you can see two options for how to accomplish that here:

What Im saying its: I have the main spritesheet with the animation of the player (left, right, up and down), but when my character will enter on a battle (jrpg), I want to change his sprite to a battle sprite of another spritesheet. My question is how can I do that? Using many sprite nodes or animatedsprite or animationplayer?

DarlesLSF | 2019-10-12 17:23

Just use your AnimationPlayer - it can change the Texture property of the sprite as well.

kidscancode | 2019-10-12 17:41

Thx for the help, I fix that using animatedsprite.
Adm can close the topic :stuck_out_tongue:

DarlesLSF | 2019-10-12 18:10