How do i compress the size of my godot game.Its about 250mb and i want to make it's size as least as possible.Help.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By App_develooer

How can I compress the size of my godot game.Obviously, people will like to play the games that are much smaller in size.So,I want to reduce the size of my godot project. Please Help.

Your question if very unspecific. So here are only some general hints.

Before you do any clean ups make sure that you’ve backup/s) or all your project files.

Check your .import folder. Sort the content by size and identify your biggest resources. Then try to optimize them depending on their size. (Don’t directly work with the files in the .import folder, they only result of imported content from your project tree you’ve to work on.)

If the resource is a scene file then (IMHO) try to avoid embedded binary resources. Instead save them separately so you’ve got control/information over their size. If you’re still hunting down some big scene content then save the scene as *.tscn and try to identify the binary content in the text file.

When importing meshes then use the “compress” checkbox whenever possible. (Just be aware that the very big models might lose precision)

Meshes: Check in your 3D editor if you actually need the amount of vertices/faces. Maybe, you can reduce the number of vertices using the (blender) decimate modifier without losing to much details. Also check for (&remove) invisible/unused faces.

Have a look on your textures/images. Try to evaluate if you actually need the resolution you’re currently using. Maybe you can downscale some of your textures without visual penalties.

Videos? Ok, there you got it. Videos will often use up much space. You could try to reencode them with lower bitrate/higher compression, lower the resolution or use another/better codec (just make sure it stays compatible with your target platform(s))

Check for unused resources. Maybe your project contains some unused/test data which isn’t needed any more. Clean up!

wombatstampede | 2019-10-11 07:35

If only you can upvote comments. :slight_smile:

SIsilicon | 2019-10-11 14:05

Nothing is happening.Please answer.I am waiting for your answer…

App_develooer | 2019-10-16 15:10

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: wombatstampede

How should we be able to help if we don’t know any details about your project and the involved files?

Is your project 2D or 3D?

Does it target android,ios, html5 or PC? (or all at once?)

Have a look at your projects .import folder. Sort the contents by size (descending) and begin with the biggest files.

Those file names will give you a hint where to begin. Search the corresponding source files in your project and think about the following:

  • Can I select a different/better compression when importing the file?
  • Can I save space by
    a) reducing the resolution of the image file? (i.e. reduce from 2048x2048 to 512x512)
    b) reducing the complexity of a 3d mesh? (i.e. my applying modifiers in Blender)
    c) reducing the bitrate/resolution of sound files, or reduce the size of effects by looping?
    d) lower the bitrate/resolution of video files?
    e) consolidate very similar images/sounds into one?
    f) bake multiple 3d model textures into one texture?

If you have no clue then list the top 10 files (with size) of your .import folder here. Then add the image resolution or mesh number of vertices and I might be more specific.

Sometimes, data will lose quality when being rescaled/compressed to a lower size but often the difference is not/barely visible. This all depends on the use case.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: ProggerParrot

As for game size, godot is extremely customizable.
Since Godot is opensource you have the possibility to cut out all features you don’t need from the engine (and from your game).
Depending on the scope of what your game needs, you can cut out more or less.

But most importantly, i highly recommend to compress all used resources as best as possible (using tools like blender or gimp)

You can see everything in detail here in the video: