How do I make a player-like camera

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Natey2102

So I’m using GD Script to create like a city sort of map, not really a game, but more of a showcase sort of thing.

What I want is for the player to fly around and rotate freely, and they can decide how they do it, so basically a player-camera or like a 1st person view.

Currently I have a camera node and have a player and some code so that the camera follows the player. Although I can make this first person (and what I want as described above), the camera will not rotate with the player, so you can only see whats in front of him at all times and to fully rotate the camera you need to edit it in the editor.

Basically, either some code to attach a camera to the player and make the player able to choose where and how it rotates, or a completely new code that allows the camera to basically be the player

If you have anything, thank you, although please try to limit from yt videos as I’m doing this on a school computer for a project and yt is blocked.

Thanks in advance

  • Natey