Generate random number from 1-40 without repeat

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Titox

How do I create a function that generates a random number from 1 - 40 without it repeating any number at all.This function will be in a for loop so it will only be called 40 times.


:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Titox

Funny enough, immediately after asking this question I thought of an answer:

func rand_num(from,to,index):
        var arr = []
        for i in range(from,to):
       return arr[index]

This function still returns a random number which can repeat, and is very inefficient.
It is far much easier to do from + randi() % (to - from).

Or, if you actually want to generate 40 random numbers between 1 and 40 without any repetition, your code should be:

func get_random_numbers(from, to):
	var arr = []
	for i in range(from,to):
	return arr

And only then, you iterate over the returned array, and you will see they don’t repeat.

var arr = get_random_numbers(1, 40)
for number in arr:

Zylann | 2019-09-05 12:56

Thank you! :smiley:

PudimLaranja | 2022-12-27 04:21