how to use Quat() function?i get error this."""Invalid call. Nonexistent 'Quat' constructor."""

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By bgegg

Invalid call. Nonexistent ‘Quat’ constructor.
I thought that extends is necessary, but I get an error that it is already in use.

extends Quat

this is code i use

extends KinematicBody

var vec = Vector3()
var scale_vec = Vector3(1,1,1)

var cube

func _ready():
	cube = get_tree().get_root().get_node("Spatial/KinematicBody2")

func _process(delta):
	vec = Vector3()
	if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_A):
		var start = self.transform.basis.z
		var goal = cube.transform.basis.z

I still don’t understand how to use the Quat function
But before that i have to extend Quat

What do you want to extend Quat to? It looks like the Quat() needs the whole basis instead of its z-value.

flurick | 2019-09-03 09:48

Thank you. I seem to have misunderstood how to use it.
The error has disappeared.

bgegg | 2019-09-03 10:02