Random Backgrounds in scene

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Magiel


I’m very new to the development scene :slight_smile:
I’m trying to create a 2d fighting game where when you enter the “arena” scene different (random) backgrounds would appear.
I’ve created 8 different backgrounds that should be randomized.

I have no idea what I’m doing and any help would be appreciated.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: johnygames

First of all you need to set up an Area2D node in order to detect collisions. You select the Area2d node, you assign a shape to it (say, a cube) and you hook up the area_entered() signal (from the Node panel on the right) to your Player node. When the object in question enters that area, the background should change.

Now, I presume you already know how to place a background (you can place a large Sprite behind the other objects). The way you can change that background randomly is this:

var rnum # random number variable
var bg_array = [] # array holding the backgrounds

var bg_texture1 = preload("res://<path>/<to>/<texture>/texture1.png")
var bg_texture2 = preload("res://<path>/<to>/<texture>/texture2.png")
var bg_texture8 = preload("res://<path>/<to>/<texture>/texture8.png")

func _ready():
    bg_array = [bg_texture1, bg_texture2..., bg_texture8]

func _on_Area2D_area_entered(area): # area2d node entered
	randomize() # call that before every 'truly' random number generation
	rnum = randi()%9 #generate a random integer from 0 to 8
	Background_Sprite.set_texture(bg_array[rnum]) # set the texture of your Sprite to a random background from the previously populated bg_array

Does this help you? If it does, please mark this answer as best, so that others can find it .