How do you use multiple polygons for occlusion with an autotile?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Oshawk

I have been trying to set up the occlusion for an autotile but it seems like you can only use one polygon per tile. As you can see in the example below, this is not appropriate for my needs since all black areas should be occluders. Is there any way to use multiple polygons per tile as with collision?



Just ran into this myself–very frustrating. Honestly can’t believe more people aren’t having this issue. Have you figured anything out yet?

jonmarple | 2020-02-28 19:53

Just realized you can draw custom shaped for LightOccluder2Ds, so as a workaround I will probably just draw the occluders for all my levels. Not ideal, but if the autotile option isn’t working, this is the best I think we can get.

jonmarple | 2020-02-28 19:53

Also having this problem with navigation polygons on tiles

ccpixel | 2022-01-10 17:13

Still can’t use more than one occlusion polygon per tile in godot v4, was hoping this would be supported since the massive tilemap rework, but seems it was overlooked. I have a doorway tile that needs an 2 occluders because the gap between the posts (obviously) shouldn’t cast shadows but the posts should. the only solution I know, and it’s not great at all is to add occlusion polygons to the scene and place them above the tilemap

Opened an issue here: Multiple occlusion polygon support in tilemaps not functioning · Issue #66877 · godotengine/godot · GitHub

Feel free to add a comment to show its an important feature!

ka0s420 | 2022-10-04 12:53