Can't run godot from cmd

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By PavelGrishaev

I want to run my game from command line, but have errors.
In the Godot editor everything is ok, when i click “run triangle” it runs without any error.
I use Godot 3.1.1 Mono C# win64

The command I try:
C:\Users\me\Documents\new_game_project>“C:/Program Files/Godot/Godot_v3.1.1-stable_win64.exe” “C:\Users\me\Documents\new_game_project\launcher\launcher_scene.tscn”

And the output is:

ERROR: No loader found for resource: res://launcher/LauncherScene.cs
At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:285
ERROR: poll: res://launcher/launcher_scene.tscn:3 - Parse Error: [ext_resource] referenced nonexistent resource at: res://launcher/LauncherScene.cs At: scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:440
ERROR: load: Condition ’ err != OK ’ is true. returned: RES()
At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:208
ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://launcher/launcher_scene.tscn
At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:285
ERROR: Failed loading scene: res://launcher/launcher_scene.tscn
At: main/main.cpp:1739
ERROR: ~List: Condition ’ _first != __null ’ is true.
At: ./core/self_list.h:111
RROR: ~List: Condition ’ _first != __null ’ is true.
At: ./core/self_list.h:111
WARNING: cleanup: ObjectDB Instances still exist!
At: core/object.cpp:2095

Why “nonexistent resource” and “No loader found for resource” ?
Tried some other variants of this command, with --path and so on, but all of them have these errors.
How to make it run from cmd?
I need it to use this command from Visual Studio Code, instead of reopening Godot editor just to run every time.

Recommend checking for capitalisation. When running project from editor, Godot doesnt seem to care about case sensitivity in project files. However when running from cmd it does care about case.

This looks quite confusing are there really 3 files with such similar names ?
2 Tscn files with very similar names?


I would be loading the Tscn file in a text editor and checking that whatever exists under ext_resource path matches whatever exists at C:\Users\me\Documents\newgameproject\launcher

[ext_resource path="res://scenes/LocalMap/" type="Script" id=1]

Squatnet | 2019-08-04 09:35