How to check for a loaded scene within a loaded scene?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By ChzBoi

I have a main scene (MainScene) which loops through a JSON object to load scenes onto the stage (SceneA,SceneB,SceneC). One of the loaded scenes (SceneB) has another scene embedded into it (SubSceneB), which has a script on it.

I have set up signals on the 3 main scenes to let me know when their “_ready” has occured, which works fine. However, I am not able to send a signal from SubSceneB to MainScene, thus never knowing when SubSceneB is finished loading/ready.

So my issues is that I would like to add a signal to the SubSceneB script that the MainScene can listen for and respond to.

Is my issue due to the dynamically loaded scenes not being fully loaded to allow the embedded scene script to work?

Any guidance is appreciated!