Export Error in Android

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By beetle

I want to testing my small project in the Android device, so I did one-click export from Godot to Android, and when I copied the apk file to my phone, it can installed but won’t run, so I checked the Output tabd and saw these errors. I did googled this error and seems like multiple people had same issue but I did not see a useful fix on this, si I am wondering anyone has any idea on how to get around it? I am running Windows 10 63 bit with dual language installed on it.

Godot Engine v3.1.1.stable.official (c) 2007-2019 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur & Godot Contributors.
Switch Scene Tab

Unicode error: invalid skip
Unicode error: invalid skip
Unicode error: invalid skip
Unicode error: invalid skip
Unicode error: invalid skip
Unicode error: no space left
ADDING: resources.arsc
0 param: --use_depth_32
1 param: --use_immersive

you can ignore the invalid skip error message.
you need to run adb logcat to find why your app crashes.

volzhs | 2019-06-11 12:38

Your Windows is missing a single bit, that must be the reason. No, just kidding.

Connect your Android device via USB with your PC then a little android symbol would appear in the upper right. You click that and the system does the actual one-click export to the device (no manual copying/installing needed).

If that Android icon doesn’t appear then it is like volzhs says. Check if adb finds your device. Maybe there’s some driver required.

Before single-click distributing for the first time make sure that the app is uninstalled from the device. There’s also an auto-option for that in the export options but later, it is normally helpful if the app & especially the settings stay installed.

wombatstampede | 2019-06-11 14:52

Thanks to both volzhs and wombatstampede, that helps, learned something new today.

beetle | 2019-06-12 05:37