how to change RichTextLabel text color for a word ?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Thakee Nathees

how to set the color of a RichTextLabel text for each of it’s specific word like in the image below??
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:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Dlean Jeans

Use [color=color_name]text[/color]:

[color=aqua]Speaker Name[/color]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit [color=purple]amet[/color], consectetur [color=yellow]adipiscing[/color] elit, sed do eiusmod [color=red]tempor[/color] incididunt ut [color=green]labore[/color] et dolore magna aliqua.

color_name can be hex:

[color=#11F6E9]Speaker Name[/color]: Lorem ipsum dolor sit [color=#252B7C]amet[/color], consectetur [color=#B0A835]adipiscing[/color] elit, sed do eiusmod [color=#C51A4A]tempor[/color] incididunt ut [color=#336F41]labore[/color] et dolore magna aliqua.


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Check out the docs for more details: BBCode in RichTextLabel