Does draw_line() have a max width limit?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By JTJonny
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

Draw_line() doesn’t seem to draw a line bigger than 5px. Is this a bug, build in limit, or am I doing something wrong?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: mateusak

You’re doing something wrong. Let us see the code.

I set an array at the end of a function. Then used it as an input for drawCustonLine() (made this function for future stuff, but all it does right now is draw_line() with the array.

The thing is i can get the width to change, but only in the range of about 1 - 5.

(1) I set an array with with everything I need for draw_line()

updatePosDrawLine = [systemMapDict[myMapLocation][0], neighborPicked, 70.0, "8f1300ff"]

(2)I put that info into a function called drawCustomLine ( which basicly only has draw_line() in it

func drawCustomLine(vectorA, vectorB, lineSize, lineColor):
	draw_line(vectorA, vectorB, lineColor, lineSize)

        func _draw():
        	if !updatePosDrawLine == null:
        		drawCustomLine(updatePosDrawLine[0], updatePosDrawLine[1], updatePosDrawLine[2], updatePosDrawLine[3]) 


JTJonny | 2016-05-28 04:30

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: scu

I have the same results (though with a max of 7 instead of 5), but the issue seems to not be Godot-related. With OpenGL ES (Godot’s rendering API), there is a max line width dependent on implementation / graphics card, a limit which can be as small as 1 under the OpenGL ES standard.

If line width is important to what you’re making, you probably shouldn’t rely on that anyway, since it won’t be consistent from device to device. Maybe use a quad and rotate it instead.

This probably not the best/efficient way to replace draw_line(), but this is the function I created to replace it:

 func createPolyLine(size, posStart, posEnd, color, dump):
	# make base rectangle
	var polyLine =
	var startScale = polyLine.get_transform()
	# scale poly rectangle
	var scaleX = posStart.distance_to(posEnd) - 1	
	polyLine.set_transform(Matrix32(startScale.x * scaleX, startScale.y,startScale.o))

	# set rotation
	var angle = posEnd - posStart 
	var rot = atan2(angle.y,angle.x)	
	# set poly pos
	polyLine.set_pos(Vector2(posStart.x, posStart.y))
	# set Color
	# node dump 

JTJonny | 2016-06-09 05:30

Here’s how I’d do it on a gut reaction, but I don’t know which way is more efficient in Godot (tested and works)

func _draw():
	drawFatLine(Vector2(20,5), Vector2(1000, 300), Color(255, 0, 0), 10)
func drawFatLine(start, end, color, width):
	var angle = atan2((end - start).x, (end - start).y) * 180 / PI
	var offset = lengthDir(Vector2(0, width/2), angle)
	var points = Vector2Array()
	points.push_back(Vector2(start.x - offset.x, start.y - offset.y))
	points.push_back(Vector2(start.x + offset.x, start.y + offset.y))
	points.push_back(Vector2(end.x + offset.x, end.y + offset.y))
	points.push_back(Vector2(end.x - offset.x, end.y - offset.y))
	draw_colored_polygon(points, color)
func lengthDir(point, dir):
	return Vector2(point.x * cos(dir) - point.y * sin(dir), point.x * sin(dir) + point.y * cos(dir))

scu | 2016-06-09 06:30

If you use my snippet, it might be more efficient to change the function so that it just returns the points array to be stored in a variable, then you use that variable to draw the polygon as normal, that way all of that math doesn’t have to be done whenever it’s updated.

E.g. (not tested):

var linePoints = calcFatLine(Vector2(20,5), Vector2(1000, 300), 10)
func _draw():
	draw_colored_polygon(linePoints, Color(255, 0, 0))
func calcFatLine(start, end, width):
	var angle = atan2((end - start).x, (end - start).y) * 180 / PI
	var offset = lengthDir(Vector2(0, width/2), angle)
	var points = Vector2Array()
	points.push_back(Vector2(start.x - offset.x, start.y - offset.y))
	points.push_back(Vector2(start.x + offset.x, start.y + offset.y))
	points.push_back(Vector2(end.x + offset.x, end.y + offset.y))
	points.push_back(Vector2(end.x - offset.x, end.y - offset.y))
	return points
func lengthDir(point, dir):
	return Vector2(point.x * cos(dir) - point.y * sin(dir), point.x * sin(dir) + point.y * cos(dir))

scu | 2016-06-09 06:37

Thanks, that seems a lot better than mine.

JTJonny | 2016-06-09 06:58