in a PoolVector2Array( [Vector2(x,y)] ) I'd like to modify the second element (y) [1] only

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By olivier jeannel

Hi there

in a PoolVector2Array( [Vector2(x,y)] )
I’d like to modify the second element (y) [1] only
How do I specify the second element in GD Script ?

Here’s my code :

var vecTrack = PoolVector2Array( [Vector2(0, 0)] )

func _ready():

func _process(delta):
#Get Point on track
var fOffset = 0.0
var nTrackSection = 0
#Find Position on track
while (nTrackSection<vecTrack.size() && fOffset<= fDistance) :
	nTrackSection +=1
fTargetCurvature = vecTrack[nTrackSection-1].first

. second and .first was an atempt to tell GD to access the first[0] or the second[1] element

Thank you !

Your code is very hard to read - please format it properly. 4 spaces or use the formatting button in the editor.

kidscancode | 2019-05-24 16:10

I apologies for the bad formating, I did use the formating button, for some reason it only formated one part.

*** I edited my original post

olivier jeannel | 2019-05-24 16:25

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: olivier jeannel

I apologies for the bad formating, I did use the formating button, for some reason it only formated one part.

Finally the answer was to use .x and .y to access the values in a vector2

while (nTrackSection<vecTrack.size() && fOffset<= fDistance) :
nTrackSection +=1

fTargetCurvature = vecTrack[nTrackSection-1].x

*** I edited my original post