Display a large text in several pages

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By bethleem


I was wondering if there is any method in Godot to accomplish something like unity´s textmespro page display of large texts. Like this:

Point is, it will need to be dinamic, so if the user changes the font size, the pages will automatically rearrange the content.



To quickly answer your question: Yes and no.

Yes, of course you can do something like that, but it will be some work to do, and you should be sure you need it. There would certainly be custom scripts included.

No, for now it would definitely not be as easy as just adding a finished node or something like this.

As a easy version you could use a scrollbar (which is somehow dynamic). But I could understand if that’s not what you are looking for.

Hope its more clear now. If you insist on building it yourself and need some inspiration feel free to ask.

Jowan-Spooner | 2019-05-13 17:07