How to animate character in four directions while moving to a point after a mouse click

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By harrypujols

Has anyone figured out how to do a top-down animation cycle while moving a character with mouse clicks? I took the example from 2D movement overview — Godot Engine (3.1) documentation in English

With the script below, I succeeded with a two-way animation cycle. Left and Right animations work, but I am having a hard time calculating a logic to have four-way animation cycle to work.

extends KinematicBody2D

export (int) var speed = 200

var target = Vector2()
var velocity = Vector2()

func _input(event):
  if event.is_action_pressed('click'):
      target = get_global_mouse_position()

func _physics_process(delta):
  velocity = (target - position).normalized() * speed

      # run animation cycles
  # these won't work

  if position.y > target.y:
  if position.y < target.y:

  # these will run fine
  if position.x < target.x:
  if position.x > target.x:

 if velocity == Vector2(0,0):

if (target - position).length() > 5:
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: sabacu

man, i’m just a beginning, but u helped me and i think i can help u too.
thats not perfect, but it worked for me:

func _physics_process(_delta):

if Input.is_action_pressed("click"):
	target = get_global_mouse_position()

velocity = (target-position).normalized()*speed
	#rotation = velocity.angle()

if (target - position).length() > 2:
	velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
	if position.y > target.y:
		if (position.x-target.x)>(position.y-target.y):
	if position.y < target.y:
		if (position.x-target.x)<(position.y-target.y):

check this and let me know

got even better:

if (target - position).length() > 2:
	velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
	if abs(position.x-target.x)<abs(position.y-target.y):
		if position.y < target.y:
	if abs(position.x-target.x)>abs(position.y-target.y):
		if position.x < target.x:

i understod the script needed a order of priority to check, if more of one answers get a true valor, the moviment fail, because the engine cant choose wat true value to use. so i made the script chek the bigger distance between the position and target, if in the X or in the y. so that worked fine. check in your project.

sabacu | 2020-06-06 01:13

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: juggling-jsons

Hey check out this and they do a really good job explaining how to use the animation player imho.
I’ve just gone through them and they are great.

There is a neat trick in there that will make the code shorter / cleaner as well :slight_smile: