How does one use Image.create_from_data(...) with the data being a float array?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By freestraws

link to the function in question

The function only accepts a PoolByteArray for data and I’m don’t see an easy way to convert from a float array/ PoolRealArray to PoolByteArray… I’m using RGBAF as the format parameter.

I’ll probably use StreamPeer like this if there isn’t a better alternative for the conversion:

var stream =
var data_in_bytes = PoolByteArray([])
for i in data_in_floats:
    for j in range(4):

(Then I’d use create_from_data() with data_in_bytes)
That feels kind of hackish though, especially since the documentation for the RGBAF format seems to imply float would be the preferred type for its data (at least in OpenGL).