Tween behavior with a fast movement from the player

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By malkav182

I’m trying to make a smooth transition between two nodes where they should switch positions when the player character turns around. using Tween I was able to do it, but I got a problem. If the player makes this movement too much (like turn left > right > left) the nodes stuck behind the player. I believe the Tween is behaving like that because I’m using the position of each node as a destination for each of them. So, when the player turns to a side and then turn to the other side, the Tween will get the position when the nodes are in their halfway from the destination position.

if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
		motion.x = SPEED * run_mod
		right = true
		turn(right , delta)
		old_right = right
		$sprite.frames.set_animation_speed("walk" , run_frames * run_mod)
	elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
		motion.x = -SPEED * run_mod
		right = false
		turn(right , delta)
		old_right = right
		$sprite.frames.set_animation_speed("walk" , run_frames * run_mod)
		motion.x =0


func turn(val , delta):
	var tween_atk = get_node("tween_atk")
	var tween_dfs = get_node("tween_dfs")
	var atk_pos = $attack_sphere.position
	print("atk "+ str(atk_pos))
	var dfs_pos = $defense_sphere.position
	print("dfs "+ str(dfs_pos))
	var dur = 1
	if val == true:
		$sprite.flip_h = false
		self.get_tree().set_group("spheres" , "flip_h" , false)
		$sprite.flip_h = true
		self.get_tree().set_group("spheres" , "flip_h" , true)
	if old_right == right:
		var old_atk = $attack_sphere.position
		tween_atk.interpolate_property($attack_sphere , "position" , atk_pos , dfs_pos , dur , Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT , 0)
		tween_dfs.interpolate_property($defense_sphere , "position" , dfs_pos , old_atk , dur , Tween.TRANS_LINEAR , Tween.EASE_IN_OUT , 0)
		$attack_sphere/sight.position.x = $attack_sphere/sight.position.x * -1

I want to make the node reaches the destination to the side it must go dependent to where the player turns. For example, if the player turns left, the nodes start the transition and if they are halfway and the player turns to the opposite, the script should transition again to switch sides again from where they currently are.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: malkav182

I reduced to one Tween node and change the code to work with fixed values for destination position. Also, I added a if statement. Now my function turn() is like that:

func turn(val , delta):
	var tween = get_node("tween")
	var atk_pos = $attack_sphere.position
	var dfs_pos = $defense_sphere.position
	var dur = 1
	if val == true:
		$sprite.flip_h = false
		self.get_tree().set_group("spheres" , "flip_h" , false)
		$sprite.flip_h = true
		self.get_tree().set_group("spheres" , "flip_h" , true)
	if old_right == right:
		if right:
			tween.interpolate_property($attack_sphere , "position" , atk_pos , Vector2(26 , -11) , dur , Tween.TRANS_LINEAR , Tween.EASE_IN_OUT , 0)
			tween.interpolate_property($defense_sphere , "position" , dfs_pos , Vector2(-38 , -11) , dur , Tween.TRANS_LINEAR , Tween.EASE_IN_OUT , 0)
			tween.interpolate_property($attack_sphere , "position" , atk_pos , Vector2(-38 , -11) , dur , Tween.TRANS_LINEAR , Tween.EASE_IN_OUT , 0)
			tween.interpolate_property($defense_sphere , "position" , dfs_pos , Vector2(26 , -11) , dur , Tween.TRANS_LINEAR , Tween.EASE_IN_OUT , 0)
		$attack_sphere/sight.position.x = $attack_sphere/sight.position.x * -1