How to animate global translation in 3D?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By ville

How can I set a node’s translation to target’s global translation using Godot’s animation system. My hierarchies won’t allow me to use local translation for the node. Here’s a sample code which obviously doesn’t work.

var temp = enemy.get_path()
var animation =
animation.track_set_path(0, str(temp)+":translation")
animation.track_insert_key(0, 0.0, enemy.translation)
animation.track_insert_key(0, 1.0, global_target_translation)

Here is my “dirty” fix. I momentarily move the node to the target translation, save the local translation and then move it back.

var temp_save = enemy.global_transform.origin
enemy.global_transform.origin = global_target_translation
var local_target_translation = enemy.translation
enemy.global_transform.origin = temp_save

var temp = enemy.get_path()
var animation =
animation.track_set_path(0, str(temp)+":translation")
animation.track_insert_key(0, 0.0, enemy.translation)
animation.track_insert_key(0, 1.0, local_target_translation)

ville | 2019-03-22 19:24