How to restore the camera to rotation 0 if the mouse is not moving?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Tachekentya

I have a spatial node with a mesh and a camera attached to a KinematicBody:

------ mesh

I can rotate the camera with the mouse. However, I want the camera to slowly rotate back to its initial position (angle zero) when I stop moving the mouse. I have tried many options without success.

One of the options is to use the “lerp” function to restore the position of the camera if the mouse is not moving, but I don’t know how to do this. Please Help.
Here is the code

extends Spatial
export var sensitivity = 0.4
export var min_angle = -90
export var max_angle = 90
export var distance = 5.0
var _rotation_w_right_left = 0
var _rotation_w_up_down = 0
var motion = Vector2()
func _ready():
var motion = Vector2()
func _process(delta):
	if abs(motion.length())<0.01:
		_rotation_w_right_left = lerp(_rotation_w_right_left , -120, 120)
		_rotation_w_up_down = lerp(_rotation_w_up_down , -70, 70)
func _input(event):
		if Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED :
			# Get mouse delta
			motion = event.relative
			# Add to rotations
			_rotation_w_right_left -= motion.x * sensitivity
			_rotation_w_up_down += motion.y * sensitivity
			# Clamp pitch
			var e = 0.001
			if _rotation_w_up_down > max_angle-e:
				_rotation_w_up_down = max_angle-e
			elif _rotation_w_up_down < min_angle+e:
				_rotation_w_up_down = min_angle+e
			_rotation_w_up_down = clamp(_rotation_w_up_down, -70, 70)
			_rotation_w_right_left = clamp(_rotation_w_right_left, -120, 120)
			# Apply rotations
func update_rotations():
	set_rotation(Vector3(0, deg2rad(_rotation_w_right_left), 0)) 
	rotate(get_transform().basis.x.normalized(), -deg2rad(_rotation_w_up_down))