My Tool Nodes will not display their script variables in the editor

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By DoubleCakes

So I got this NPC node and so far I’ve exported three script variables: Id, Act_type, and sequence.

enter image description here

Here’s a bit of his code:

enter image description here

But I want to make the NPC a tool so that I can program in the ability to change his sprite in the editor with a new script variable, so I make him a tool through the code

enter image description here

But when I reload the program and check the NPC in the editor, the script variables are gone.

enter image description here

I need to have my NPC node to have script variables and also be a tool. What can I do? I don’t know what’s wrong.

So I figured out what the problem was. A script that this node inherited from was using an obsolete(?) get_pos() function and when tools have problems like that in the script, they probably won’t function as tools and they definitely won’t display their script variables.

DoubleCakes | 2019-03-29 06:39