Can´t compile godot 3.1

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Themaker482

A few weeks ago I compiled the editor for windows without any problem, but yesterday I tried but i get this error:

scons: unknown OSError exception code 0 - ‘C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C "cl /Foplatform\windows\ /c “platform\windows\godot_win.cpp” /TP /nologo /O2 /Z7 /MT /Gd /GR /w /EHsc -DZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY -DZLIB_DEBUG -DFREETYPE_ENABLED -DFT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG -DSVG_ENABLED -DGLAD_ENABLED -DGLES_OVER_GL /DDEBUG_ENABLED /DWINDOWS_ENABLED /DOPENGL_ENABLED /DRTAUDIO_ENABLED /DWASAPI_ENABLED /DWINMIDI_ENABLED /DTYPED_METHOD_BIND /DWIN32 /DMSVC "/D{’_WIN32_WINNT’: ‘0x0601’, ‘WINVER’: ‘0x0601’}" /DPTRCALL_ENABLED /DTOOLS_ENABLED /DGDSCRIPT_ENABLED /DMINIZIP_ENABLED /DXML_ENABLED /Icore /Icore\math /Ieditor /Idrivers /I. /Iplatform\windows /Ithirdparty\zstd /Ithirdparty\zstd\common /Ithirdparty\zlib /Ithirdparty\rtaudio /Ithirdparty\glad /Ithirdparty\freetype /Ithirdparty\freetype\include /Ithirdparty\libpng /Ithirdparty\nanosvg"': Error
scons: *** [platform\windows\] Error 127
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Can somebody help me, please?