Problem with Animation Player

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Skydome

Ok so I’m making a cutout animation. I created a root node called(Node2D) Added animation player as a child. Added a Base(Node2D) as child. Then I added the sprite Left_Arm,Left_Leg, Torso,Head. The Torso node had anothe sprites as child node called Right_Arm, Right_Leg.

Anyway I then made a walking animation using Animation player. And it plays fine. However when I load the scene and then play the animation only the Right_Leg and Right_Arm moves. :frowning:

What is the problem here? And is there a solution?

Wait I figured it out. I forgot I had a remote2D node. That was the problem. I now moved the remote2d node instead and the problem was solved :smiley:

Skydome | 2018-05-31 22:30

You can reply yourself and mark it as the correct answer to leave this “solved”.

eons | 2018-06-01 00:11

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: SIsilicon

Skydome said:
Wait I figured it out. I forgot I had a remote2D node. That was the problem. I now moved the remote2d node instead and the problem was solved :smiley:

@Eons There you go.

Please don’t down vote. D:

Thank you for writing that.

Skydome | 2018-11-19 16:28