How to use set_pitch_scale() correctly in GDScript?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Jean18518

Hi Guys,

I don’t understand how to use set_pitch_scale().
I want to apply set_pitch_scale() on an AudioStreamPlayer.

My code is the following:

ton200 = get_node("Audio/Ton200")

My error-message is:

Nonexistent function 'set_pitch_scale' in base 'AudioStreamPlayer'

What do I do wrong?

Thanks for paying attention

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jitterbeetle

It looks like a bug since it’s a documented feature.
If you need to you can make a new issue on Issues · godotengine/godot · GitHub

But you might find a solution here:

Thanks for your comment. With this solution it didn’t work either.
I will open a new issue on github soon.

Jean18518 | 2018-05-19 12:25