Align DrawString in a Rectangle

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Damian Day
public static void DrawAlignedText(this CanvasItem canvas, Font font, string text, float x, float y, float width, float height, Color color, int alignV, int alignH)
        if (font == null)

        var size = font.GetStringSize(text);
        if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
            width = size.x;
            height = size.y;

        var position = new Vector2();
        // 0: left, 1: middle, 2: right
        switch (alignV)
            case 0: position.x = x; break;
            case 1: position.x = x + (width - size.x) * 0.5f; break;
            case 2: position.x = x + (width - size.x); break;

        // 0: left, 1: middle, 2: right
        switch (alignH)
            case 0: position.y = y; break;
            case 1: position.y = y + (height - size.y) * 0.5f; break;
            case 2: position.y = y + (height - size.y); break;
        canvas.DrawString(font, position, text, color);

    public static void DrawTextCentered(this CanvasItem canvas, Font font, string text, Rect2 rc, Color color)
        DrawAlignedText(canvas, font, text, rc.Position.x, rc.Position.y, rc.Size.x, rc.Size.y, color, 1, 1);

I would like to be able to align my text to the middle.

Please see above for my current c# code, it will center text horizontally just fine, but it won’t vertically. This code works perfectly fine with other engines, what am I doing wrong with godot please?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Damian Day

The answer was simply to add font.GetAscent to the y position when calling canvas.DrawString, not sure why this is I’m not aware of any other engine that works like this.