Accessing data from another script

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By imekon

So I have one script:

extends Node

class Stuff:
    var text
    var size

    func _init(t, s):
        text = t
        size = s

In another script, I access it with:

extends Node

onready var stuff = load("res://")

func _ready():
    var inst ="fred", 100)

Is there any way to access Stuff without using stuff.Stuff? It just seems so clumsy!

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: bitwes
onready var Stuff = load("res://").Stuff
func _ready():
  var instance =

“best practice” is to name your variables that are references to classes using PascalCase.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Zylann

Alternatively, you can also change your to not extend anything:

var text
var size

func _init(t, s):
    text = t
    size = s

Then you can access it like that:

extends Node

const Stuff = preload("res://")

func _ready():
    var inst ="fred", 100)

If you prefer to use subclasses with the class keyword, you can do so, and then append .Stuff after the preload like bitwes did.