Area in Godot 3 and intersection RigidBody

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By DimitriyPS

In Godot 2.X like this:

if My Area.get_overlapping_bodies () [n] extensions RigidBody:

I have checked that the intersection occurred with a RigidBody. It doesn’t work in Godot 3.X. How can I verify that “Area” intersects with “RigidBody”?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Bartosz

First retrieve list of overlapping boddies var bodies = area.get_overlapping_bodies()
Then check if boddies contains your body of interest if bodies.has(my_rigidbody): do_some_stuff();

Then check if boddies contains your body of interest if
bodies.has(my_rigidbody): do_some_stuff();

Bartosz, I do not need to check for intersection with a particular body (a scene node), but make sure that the intersection has occurred with any RigidBody. How to do it?

DimitriyPS | 2018-03-28 07:41

just check area.get_overlapping_bodies().empty()
true means there are no overlapping bodies, false means there is at least one overlapping body

Bartosz | 2018-03-28 19:10

Bartosz, that’s not what I wanted. I want to know the body type (node type) with which the intersection occurred (what this body: RigidBody, KinematicBody, StaticBody, etc.).

DimitriyPS | 2018-03-29 07:12

are yout asking about type check like this if body is RigidBody2D: do_something() ?

Bartosz | 2018-03-29 19:02

are yout asking about type check like this if body is RigidBody2D:
do_something() ?

I don’t speak English. Probably… Yes.
I need:

  1. check check intersection with Area (true/false)
  2. If the intersection eat to check the body type, with which intersected Area

This is how it worked in Godot 2.X:

	if lp_Testor.get_overlapping_bodies().size()>0:
		var n=0
		for n in range(lp_Testor.get_overlapping_bodies().size()):
			if lp_Testor.get_overlapping_bodies()[n] extends RigidBody:

In Godot 3.X it does not work.

DimitriyPS | 2018-03-30 07:27

I’ve removed unnecessary if , replace indexing by number n with directly iterating elements and I’m using is instead of extends rest is your code:

for body in lp_Testor.get_overlapping_bodies():
	    if body is RigidBody:

Bartosz | 2018-03-30 18:12