Procedural Generation

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By PiousLegate

So I want to learn things about procedural generation, however, I want to know if I was to watch and learn unity or unreal methods for it.
how much of that would be transferable knowledge?
I know this could be considered vague and just but hey couldn’t hurt to ask

I know this was posted a couple months ago but if you want some tips I would be happy to help. I’m working on a game that involves a lot of proc gen including mountain creation, biomes, rivers, weather patterns, and genetics.

happycamper | 2018-06-02 04:01

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: kidscancode

Procedural generation is a concept that is independent from what game engine you might use to implement it. The part you have to understand is the algorithm, and most procgen algorithms will be translatable to any particular language.

“The part you have to understand is the algorithm, and most procgen algorithms will be translatable to any particular language.”

ok so how would I go about doing that

PiousLegate | 2018-03-27 05:15

Well you were asking about watching existing material in Unity, etc. I’m saying yes, if a particular tutorial explains the procgen algorithm well, implementing it in GDScript or C# for Godot should not be a problem.

Of course, that is assuming that you are comfortable with programming in general. If that’s not the case, then you have an entirely different challenge to tackle before you worry about procedural generation.

kidscancode | 2018-03-27 05:21

The Procedural Content Wiki is a good place to start. It can guide you to some of the forms of procedural generation, possibly get you started on what game you want to make.

Ertain | 2018-03-27 06:15

Thank you also kidscancode sounds familiar you make youtube vids?

PiousLegate | 2018-03-27 17:12