how can i access the id in a translation file

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By mokalux

Hello everyone,

I need your help please.
I have imported a translation csv file in godot, it works fine but how can I access the id of the translation.

I tried:

func _ready():
var pre = preload("res://words.en.xl").get_message_list()

var pre1 = preload("res://words.en.xl").get_message_list()[0]

I get all the id references in the pre variable (array string) GREAT but,

when I try to get the first id (index 0) in the pre1 variable, it returns the translation word not the ID.

Could someone tell me how to get access to the ID?

Godot 2.1.5 beta1
Windows 10 HE 64bits

If this is a bug I will try to post to github before the next release.