Setting snap distance of one_way_collision in Godot 3.0

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Diet Estus

I want my one way platforms to allow my player to snap to their surface if his bottom gets within a certain number of pixels below the platform’s surface. I can’t see an elegant way to implement this in Godot 3.0.

As seen in this question, Godot 2.0 allowed users to specify the direction and “max depth” of one way collision.

Here is a screenshot:
enter image description here

This GitHub issue addresses the question of setting the direction in Godot 3.0, but what about setting max depth?

I assume “max depth” refers to the depth of the collider at which another colliding object will snap to the surface of collision. Is this right?

If so, is there a way to set it in Godot 3.0?