Global variables not updating for some reason

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By LockManipulator

I’m trying to add another player into a dictionary. I’ve got as a singleton and it has

extends Node

func save_players():
	var players_dict = {
	return players_dict

And in I’m trying to add a player2 into the dictionary.

extends Node

onready var players = get_node("/root/GlobalVars").save_players()

players["player2" = {

When I print players after I add player2, it prints out players_dict and shows both players in there. But when the scene changes to GameWindow and I print out players (I have “onready var players = get_node(”/root/GlobalVars").save_players()" at the top of as well) then it shows that only the original player is there and no new player is added. Somehow it deleted player2 from the dictionary??

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: pgregory

I suspect the problem is that your globals don’t define and hold the players_dict as a global variable, but rather as a function local variable. That is, every time the function save_players() is called, it will create a new players_dict and return it.

Better to make the players_dict a member variable on the globals singleton.

extends Node

var players_dict = {}

func save_players():
    players_dict = {
    return players_dict

However, you do still need to be mindful of the fact that each time save_players() is called, it will still reset the global players_dictto a single value, so be careful when it is called.