How do I make my buttons process one click at a time?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Frostybros
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I am making a dialogue system for my game. I use clickable buttons to select dialogue. The problem is that when I release the button, it skips to the end of the dialogue as if the player kept pressing the first option. This is due to me using a variable called “stage” to determine what should happen upon button press. How can I fix this?

extends Area2D
var caninteract = false
var stage = 1

func _ready():
	get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button1").connect("pressed", self, "on_button1_pressed")
	get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button2").connect("pressed", self, "on_button2_pressed")
	get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button3").connect("pressed", self, "on_button3_pressed")
	get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button4").connect("pressed", self, "on_button4_pressed")
func _fixed_process(delta):
	print (str(stage))
	if caninteract == true:
		if Input.is_action_pressed("Interact"):
			caninteract = false
			get_node("../../../World").set_isinteracting(get_node("../../../World").isinteracting + 1)
			get_node("../../CanvasLayer/Panel/NPCSpeech").set_text("Before you lies the night sky of New York.")
	if stage == 1:
		get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button1/Option1").set_text("Close the blinds.")
		get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button2/Option2").set_text("Walk away.")
	if stage == 2:
		get_node("../../CanvasLayer/Panel/NPCSpeech").set_text("The blinds have been closed.")
		get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button1/Option1").set_text("Open the blinds.")
		get_node("../../../World/CanvasLayer/PlayerSpeech/Button2/Option2").set_text("Walk away.")
func  on_button1_pressed():	
	if stage == 1:
		stage = 2
	if stage == 2:
		stage = 1

func  on_button2_pressed():
	if stage == 1 or stage == 2:
		get_node("../../../World").set_isinteracting(get_node("../../../World").isinteracting - 1)

func  on_button3_pressed():
func  on_button4_pressed():
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Sprowk

From what I can see the on_button1_pressed() will always return 1. It might not fix your problem but try using elif instead of second if.

That worked, thanks! :slight_smile:

Frostybros | 2017-11-04 12:41