Issues with exporting from blender

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Etwus
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I am getting
editor\collada\collada.cpp:1065 - Primitive type “polygons” is not well supported (concave shapes may fail). To ensure that the geometry is properly imported, please re-export using “triangles” or “polylist”.
while trying to import my model from blender. I am exporting as Better Collada. I tried setting triangulate in export settings, but that didn’t helped.
Models exported this way work properly, but my custom collision shape doesn’t work as I expected. Sometimes I get cube, that is not even on correct position, or empty collision shape (At least I think so, if I click on collision shape, there are no blue lines)

How should I correctly export my models?

Ok, I have no idea why. After few tests, my collision works ok, just doesn’t preview any indication of collision shape or shows blue cube, even if my custom collision is sphere and works like sphere.

Etwus | 2017-05-27 15:30

Yes,me too…maybe this is a collada exporter issue…I have no idea…but when you run
scene(game) then is visible (col.shape) if you enable Debug options > Visible Collision Shapes

Bishop | 2017-05-27 17:16

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Bishop

try check your mesh for errors- double vertices,bad faces.etc…everything : model,col.shape,etc. must be in 0,0,0 when exporting.
do’nt triangulate when export, this take care engine yourself.
col.shape must be named -colonly or -col and must be parent
but I guess you know that.
if you enable Debug options > Visible Collision Shapes then you see it.
directly in the editor…i don’t know I don’t see col. shape too but I use Godot’s
col.shapes…so I don’t know.

oh…about that error mesagge try re-export or ignore this error lines- has no effect

I tried visible collision shapes, but that shows my col. shapes only when game is running, not in editor. At least I know now, where problem was.
Many thanks for great answer.

Etwus | 2017-05-27 17:22