Camera3D as a child of a SubViewport doesn't move.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By 0x41.0x4b

I have a Player scene and a Camera_Item scene.

Player scene has a CharacterController3D node with a Camera3D attached.
It has a FPS movement script that makes it all work with no issues.

Camera_Item scene has Node3D that contains the Mesh3D as a model, a Sprite3D and a SubViewport with a Camera3D as a child of it.
The SubViewport here renders what its child Camera3D sees, and then the Sprite3D uses a Viewport Texture to render said SubViewport image.

The problem here is that when i attach the Camera_Item prefab to the Player’s Camera3D, it all works and moves as it should, except the Camera3D thats attached to the SubViewport. It just stays in the World origin.

In this last picture you can see everything working but if you look through the viewfinder you can see the player bean itself from the Camera3D that should move with the camera in the hands of the player.